Inspired Chicago | Layne Fargo

I met Layne recently when she reached out for me to photograph the author headshot for her book cover (literally, the coolest thing ever). After we had had her session and were at our final meeting where we went over her photographs together, she mentioned that one of the things she connected with me about before we even met was the Inspired Chicago feature series. I'm always ridiculously happy to hear that a creative woman in Chicago feels like the series resonates with them, but to have an author tell me that my interview series was good almost made me faint - it's like sending a contract to a lawyer and them telling you you did a good job…

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Photo Ideas for Service Based Creative Entrepreneurs

If you're a service based business like a life coach, an event planner, a business strategist, a podcaster or some other type of creative that doesn't necessarily have a product to show on social media, it can be hard to know what types of photos to share and how to connect visually with your audience - and that can be a problem. Humans are visual beasts; our brains process images faster than text (like, 60,000 times faster) which makes visual communication so valuable in the creative entrepreneurs tool belt and something that when utilized strategically can help our audiences connect with our services…

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Inspired Chicago | Indigo & Violet Studio

There's been a short hiatus for the Inspired Chicago Feature Series over the last few months - I've taken time to think about how the feature highlights Chicago's entrepreneurial women, ways I can improve and widen the access to women who want to be interviewed, and how the feature will look going on from here. I'm happy to say not a whole lot has changed except for feeling a bit more clarity about Inspired Chicago - and what's better than clarity for creative entrepreneurs? What a way to bring back the feature than with this amazing interview with Leigh of Indigo & Violet Studio

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3 Tips to Build a Beautiful Brand Experience

We all want to provide a beautiful, value-driven brand experience to our dream clients - the kind that speaks to the care we put into our work, that visualizes the experience we create, and helps potential clients want to be a part of the brand. Whether you're just starting out in building your brand experience, or you're an old pro who wants to upgrade where you're at - this post will help you figure out where your brand experience is on point and where you can improve…

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How to Stand Out in a Saturated Industry

There are so many myths that are easy to get wrapped up in for creative entrepreneurs - that our industry is too saturated which is why we aren't booking any clients, that we aren't interesting enough to share parts of our personality that will connect with our dream audience, and that it's next to impossible to stand out in such a competitive market. But the problem with these ideas is that they can be paralyzing - yes, there are a ton of creative entrepreneurs out there and yes, it's very competitive, but focusing on the negative, scary parts of our creative industries can make us feel so discouraged that we stop trying at all…

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5 Tips to Create Consistency in Your Brand

Consistency is key in a lot of aspects of business for creative entrepreneurs - but for the soloprenur's who are the face of their brand, a cohesive brand is even more important in building trust with your potential clients and creating a unique experience that will get your clients raving to their friends about you. What does having a strong, compelling and cohesive brand do for your business? It builds a brand experience that your dream audience will seek you out for…

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Chicago Branding Photography Session | Layne Fargo

If I could describe to you my dream photography session as an angsty teenager in Indiana, this would be it. When Layne first reached out to me about photographing her author headshots I just about lost my mind - Layne is an author and her debut book is a feminist psychological thriller set in the Chicago theater scene. I mean, seriously - could she be anymore kickass? We connected immediately over our love of moody portraits, our senses of humor and our shared love of the Chicago creative boss babe scene…

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Local Eclectic Blog Photography | Meeting with Carrie Elizabeth Jewelry

For the past few weeks I've been working with the incredible Local Eclectic, an online jewelry store that features indie designers and is based in Chicago. I love getting to work with brands and businesses that have focuses that align with my own and they certainly do that - Local Eclectic works with emerging indie designers that pour their hearts into their work, providing gorgeous, small-run pieces that are well made and accessible…

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The Aspiring Photographer Part 4 | Storage Systems and Workflows for Your Photography

Hard drives, cloud storage, best practices for how to secure your digital files, my personal backup systems and the un-sexy world of digital archives. This part is definitely full of concepts that make creatives nervous, but it’s better to realize you’re unprepared beforehand than when you’re in the middle of a client project and you make a costly mistake…

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