As Miss Swift might say, “it’s been a long time coming, but…” we’ve got a new Inspired Chicago blog feature! I took a break from producing these stories during the pandemic for obvious reasons, but I have since photographed so many incredible folks that I wanted to get to know better. So, here we are with another installment featuring the incredible and kind Devan of Petal & Pages Co! I photographed branding content for Devan last summer and was really impressed with her creativity, her warmth, and her drive. I’m so excited to share her story with you!
Read MoreI met Layne recently when she reached out for me to photograph the author headshot for her book cover (literally, the coolest thing ever). After we had had her session and were at our final meeting where we went over her photographs together, she mentioned that one of the things she connected with me about before we even met was the Inspired Chicago feature series. I'm always ridiculously happy to hear that a creative woman in Chicago feels like the series resonates with them, but to have an author tell me that my interview series was good almost made me faint - it's like sending a contract to a lawyer and them telling you you did a good job…
Read MoreThere's been a short hiatus for the Inspired Chicago Feature Series over the last few months - I've taken time to think about how the feature highlights Chicago's entrepreneurial women, ways I can improve and widen the access to women who want to be interviewed, and how the feature will look going on from here. I'm happy to say not a whole lot has changed except for feeling a bit more clarity about Inspired Chicago - and what's better than clarity for creative entrepreneurs? What a way to bring back the feature than with this amazing interview with Leigh of Indigo & Violet Studio…
Read MoreI met Hanna for the first time at Maison Parisienne (no, I don't know how to pronounce that) for coffee and immediately knew I liked her - she's one of those thoughtful people where you can see the cogs turning continuously in her head when she speaks to you, listening to your words and making connections that are wildly helpful and unique. She's seriously so smart and genuine...
Read MoreI walked over to the middle of the cafeteria-style room to find Kat hidden behind bushels of flowers that she had brought for the styled shoot with my good friend Alisha who I was assisting that day. I bent down and started smelling the flowers and got to talking with the amazing woman behind the flower farm (yeah, it's a thing) in Illinois, called Wilrett Flower Co. If y'all aren't aware...
Read MoreIf you've seen The Office (which I have like 10 times) then you might remember the episode where Michael is meeting his replacement manager, Deangelo, at a bar. They end up sitting together talking for almost an hour and wondering where the person they're supposed to meet is, only to then realize they're meeting each other. Meeting Maya of Preoccupied Bride kinda started out like that...
Read MoreI was waiting next to Antique Taco in Wicker Park and enjoying the drizzling rain when Jenna walked up, - "Sorry I'm a minute late, I haven't spent much time in this area and I was wandering around looking at how beautiful everything is." I could totally relate. Jenna is the wife in the husband & wife duo behind He & She Wedding Curators - basically the people who make your intimate wedding even cuter...
Read MoreShe's the kinda woman who you can sit and chat with over coffee and sliced avocados during one of the coldest weeks Chicago has to offer, ya know what I mean? Audrey and I met up at 3 Arts Club - quickly becoming a favorite spot of mine - and talked about everything from what the hell a bullet journal is, to the role of formal education in a creative's pursuit of their dream even when they're not in the same field, and finally to how cute avocados are to paint...
Read MoreI was scrolling through Instagram (like you do) when I noticed this INCREDIBLE, totally my style bathroom, so I went to the feed of Devon Grace Interiors and totally fell in love with her design style. I was so interested in her story that we met up for coffee at 3 Arts Club Cafe because I had to get to know this amazingly talented boss lady and hear about her path. Funnily enough, during our conversation it came up that she's actually very close with Kira David Design - one of the women I interviewed for the feature over the summer...
Read MoreWhen I first looked at Dannie's website my initial reaction was - "damn, does this girl do everything??" She wears quite a few hats as you'll see below and during our coffee date/photography interview at Asado coffee in the West Loop I couldn't help but be impressed with all that Dannie's done for such a young person. Not only does she run her own marketing business that helps entrepreneurs, she's also an integral part of the marketing efforts at...wait for it...Google...
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