Posts tagged Education
Branding Basics for Creative Entrepreneurs

For creative entrepreneurs trying to make their mark, it’s essential to have a clear idea as to what your brand should be in order to help potential customers find you. The key to any successful business is having an effective brand strategy that sets you apart from the rest of your competition, and right now, a lot of us are competing online where there are thousands of people trying to do the same…

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How to Find Your Photography Style

One of the hardest parts about just starting out with photography is to try and find your unique style. With so many variations out there it can be overwhelming to know where to begin; journalistic? Dark and moody? Fully staged scene? Black and white? Maybe I'm overwhelming you right now...

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How to Find Inspiration as a Creative

All of my favorite photographs that I created as an angsty teen were inspired by experiences I was having. Whether that was my first heartbreak, struggling with anxiety and not really knowing it at the time, or something as simple as finding a new album I was in love with. Your experiences don't have to be world shattering - they just have to be yours...

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What is Chromatic Aberration and How Do You Fix it?

If you've been a photographer for any length of time you've probably seen chromatic aberration before - and you may not even know what it is. It wasn't until I was in college at SAIC that I finally found a name for those ugly little neon green lines that showed up around the high contrast edges in my photographs. I'd been seeing them for years and didn't know what they were called...

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