Featured | Navy Pier Senior Portrait Session on The Babetown Collective

Maybe because it was so recently or maybe because Lara was such a fun girl to photograph, but this senior portrait session still gives me excited butterflies! This session was so inspiring and unique because not only did we create beautiful photographs, but we also found out that we had a lot in common - from books to clothing style to favorite foods. :) And now I'm so honored to have this session with one of the sweetest girls I've met so far in 2017 be featured on a site that I care very deeply for! I've talked about The Babetown Collective before and I'll say it again; I think that the community is a wonderful platform for empowering women from every background and in every sense of the word. I couldn't be more thankful to be a part of the community that The Babetown Collective fosters and I'm so excited to share this feature with you!

High school senior from Lane Tech at Navy Pier
Navy Pier senior portrait session
Navy Pier senior pictures with Lane Tech senior