Chicago Grad Session at The School of the Art Institute | Goldie

I met Goldie during freshman orientation and we immediately found ourselves giggling at inside jokes in the Rubloff auditorium - so to say we were fast friends would be an understatement. I’ve seen Goldie explore himself over the years through personal art projects in our classes together, spent Halloween together dressed as fancy ghouls and seen him fall in love with his (now) fiance. When Goldie asked if I would consider taking his senior portraits, I couldn’t have been more excited!

On the day of his graduation, we met in the Art Institute gardens with his whole family present and ready to celebrate. We had a very small window of time between his graduation ceremony and an impending thunderstorm, but we decided to make it work because what’s a portrait session without a little excitement? Also grandma was only in town for the day, but let’s just say we mostly did it for the excitement. ;)

Thanks so much to Goldie and his lovely family for having a fun stormy afternoon with me and congrats to the grad!

Chicago senior pictures at the School of the Art Institute
Senior portraits of college grad in downtown Chicago
Chicago senior portraits at The Art Institute of Chicago
Chicago senior portraits at the School of the Art Institute
Chicago senior portraits of SAIC grad at The Art Institute of Chicago